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I'm Beth. I'm married to my best friend, and he's pretty awesome. We have two equally awesome kids, Gavin and Sophie.

Monday, July 4, 2011

We made it!

Right now Ernie is at his first day of his new job! Hooray! 
We have made it -- its been nearly two years since he got laid off.  Two years of unemployment.  During that time we also had legal stuff to deal with, the worry involved with family court issues: custody, child support, parenting plans, visitations, and a huge one -- attorneys fees.  But we made it.  And most days, I felt like I didn't know how we were getting through it.  But of course, I should know...
"my God will supply all your needs" ~Phil. 4:19

I would be lying if I said that I had that in my mind everyday.  Even most days.  I am too much a pessimist sometimes, as much as I try to think positively. It is scary, the unknown.  I am so thankful that I have a husband who truly 100% believed those words, and remembered them every day.  I never saw him getting down on himself and doubting.  Even when things seemed scary, he always believed that God would provide for us.  And in these two years, He absolutely has.  We have always had a roof over our heads, and we've always been able to pay for it.  We have been able to provide our kids with food without fail, and we have stuck together as a family.  It is not us who made that happen.  Of course, we were willing to do whatever we needed to make it through.  Ernie is an incredibly hard worker and very dedicated.  I know without a doubt I wouldn't have been able to make it through this time without him.  I thank God every day for his support and for his heart and for his desire to provide for his family. 
I know a lot of people scoff at the "God providing" stuff.  And that's okay.  You don't have to believe in my God the way I do.  But it is without doubt that I believe in Him because I have seen what he can do, firsthand.  I see how He has been with us every step of the way through this difficult time.  You know you hear stories of people who have run out of food, or have absolutely no money, and they wake up in the morning and there is miraculously a bag of groceries on the porch.  Or they need a certain amount of money for a bill and have no idea how they'll get it, and mysteriously, someone gives them the exact amount they need...I could always think "oh yeah, that's nice" but just kinda brush that off, because its not personal to me.  But this is exactly how life has been for us!  And I know that it is because of our God. 

"They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust the Lord to care for them." ~Psalm 112:7

Through these past two years, we have gotten 'bad news' time and time again.  And its still coming, usually in the form of emails from attorneys.  But we have gotten through this.  We have been cared for the entire time.  The bad news will pass.  The bad times pass.  Trust in my God does not. 

A job has been provided for Ernie after all this time and I am so thankful.  A full time job, at that.  As I write this, its 9:30 pm and I am listening to fireworks outside.  Its weird to think that he won't be home anytime soon. This second shift stuff is a huge change for us and will take a lot of adjustment, especially for my 'morning-person' husband.  (Which also means, for me, the night owl. Someone has to get up with the kids!)  But we are happily accepting it.  If he had been offered this job two years ago, would we have been so grateful for it? Or would we have grumbled about him working until 1 am?  There's a reason for everything.  Its hard to see it in the moment, but looking back, things are much more clear.  I need to write that down here so that I can remember it in other times of trouble. ;)  And I know there will be more difficulties ahead.  Life is far from perfect.  But tonight, I am content.  And most of all, thankful. 

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