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I'm Beth. I'm married to my best friend, and he's pretty awesome. We have two equally awesome kids, Gavin and Sophie.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Best $20 day ever

Today was hot.

I had told the kids last week that after they got back from camping, we'd go to Charlie's Safari.  And God bless them, those kids remembered.  The same kids that can't remember what I lovingly told them to do 2.5 minutes ago, remembered through 4 days of heavy activity one sentence I uttered.  But you know.
So after Ernie left for work (and 4 hours of Sophie saying "can we go to Charlie's Safari now?!") we loaded up in the car.  Gavin has ridiculously thick hair, so we stopped and got him a haircut.  Pretty humorous to see the tan lines around his head and from his glasses. ;) 
So finally FINALLY...we made it to Charlie's Safari.  I'm pretty sure if you could have listened to the kids thoughts you would have heard the Hallelujah Chorus.  They just almost cannot stand it, how much they love that place.
I know I have written about this promised land for kids before.  But seriously.  Best $20 ($10 per kid) you will ever ever spend on a hot summer day!  That place has glorious arctic air blasting in there for all the sweaty kids.  Its so huge that the screaming is not overwhelming at all.  And there are plenty of tables for me to sit at and enjoy my hours of nearly uninterrupted reading.  Oh happy day!  We stayed for 2 hours -- 2 hours of not a peep out of the kids except to ask for water.  No fighting.  No whining.  No bugging.  No sweating...just me and my book and magazines, with my feet propped up on one of the other chairs at my table with that frigid air blowing on me.  It was delightful.  And once we got home, these kids had worked up such an appetite that I didn't have to remind them even once (let alone 47 times) to eat their dinner.  AND, they are worn out, so Sophie is already in bed snoring.  I love it!  And I love you Charlie, whoever you are.

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