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I'm Beth. I'm married to my best friend, and he's pretty awesome. We have two equally awesome kids, Gavin and Sophie.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hooray for my big girl!

Its a landmark week in the Dye house...we are pacifier free! If you know Sophie, you know what a huge milestone that is. Since she was a newborn, she had more pain than a normal baby. People told us "all babies cry", but this was different. It turned out she had reflux, and she had what we called her "pterodactyl cry". ;) And she did it for a good portion of every day and night. Medication helped, and what really helped comfort her (and save our sanity) was her pacifier. I honestly think that thing kept me out of the psych ward. It soothed her like nothing else could, and so for that I am perfectly fine that she was so attached to it. However, she's 2 and a half now, so I have been sick of that thing for several months! And she has held onto it quite stubbornly (which is completely unsurprising, given who her stubborn parents are). I found something that works...a sticker chart. Apparently something Sophie loves more than her pacifier is her Elmo stickers, so for every day she didn't have her pacifier, she got a sticker. And for every night she went to bed without it, she got another sticker. She was very excited to get to put each new sticker on the chart, and she has shown *everyone* who has come into our house her chart. :) So I am SO happy and relieved to say that after a week, I think the pacifier is gone for good! Hooray for our big girl. Now, if the stickers could just convince her to potty train...

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